【Le Comptoirからのお知らせ】フランスとヨーロッパの生産者に寄り添い、価格改定をさせていただきます

【Le Comptoirからのお知らせ】フランスとヨーロッパの生産者に寄り添い、価格改定をさせていただきます


English below ↓

Madame, Monsieur,




Le Comptoirが掲げる理念とは、ヨーロッパでは生産者やパートナーとフェアな取引を実現すると共に、日本のお客様にはクオリティが高く、私どもが自信をもってオススメすることができる商品をお届けする、というものです。サスティナブルにこのお約束を実現するためには、弱い立場に置かれてしまいがちな生産者や、産業全体をサポートすることが重要である、と痛感した1年でもありました。






Le Comptoir 代表:ペレイラ & 秋山

Announcement : Supporting Our Producers While Maintaining Quality

French milk producers are currently facing a severe crisis due to inflation in Europe and the surge in commodity prices such as wheat and energy. This situation is jeopardizing their livelihood, and many are unfortunately being forced to cease their business activities without any solution.

The wholesale price of milk has been fluctuating, and in an effort to save producers' jobs and balance the market, we have seen a progressive increase of between 20% and 40% over the last 12 months since mid-2022.

The impact of the inflation is similar for wine, with an average increase of 15%, which is linked to energy prices and the cost of packaging materials such as bottles and cardboard.

At Le Comptoir, we are committed to fair value sharing with our partners in Europe, and have therefore decided to maintain our product quality and selection while reflecting these surges in our end offer. Our price adjustment will be limited to a maximum of 12%, as we will strive to absorb the impact on our side by optimizing other costs.

※Shipping fee not included

We understand that price increases can be challenging, but we assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. Our company remains committed to providing high-quality products, and this price adjustment will enable us to continue doing so.

Please note that the new prices will be applied from 1st March, and your next order will be debited with the new price on either 12th March or 12th April, depending on your frequency.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Alexandre & Masumi 




お問い合わせをいただき誠にありがとうございます。順次カスタマーサービスがお返事をさせていただきますのでお待ちくださいませ。 Merci!ニュースレターにご登録ありがとうございます。初回10%オフクーポンコード:BONJOUR10 Merci!再入荷した場合はメールでお知らせいたします。 全ての在庫が他のお客様のカートに入っています。 在庫が残りわずかです。お急ぎください。 在庫が残りわずかです。お急ぎください。